It's normal to feel sad about changes in your life that might be brought on by a cancer diagnosis."Grief comes in waves," says Dr. Scott Irwin, a psychiatrist and Director of Supportive Care Services at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. “
Some days can be tougher than others, but Dr. Irwin says talk therapy is helpful so it’s important to reach out to your doctor, to a therapist or to support groups in your community.John Lennon’s Son Julian, 61, Has Successful Skin Cancer Surgery After Second Melanoma Diagnosis. Now He's Urging 'Please Get Yourself Checked Out By Your Doctor'
'3rd Rock from the Sun' Star John Lithgow, 79, Who Fought Melanoma & Underwent a Prostatectomy, On Coping With The Loss of a 'Dear Friend'
Crocodile Hunter's Son Robert Irwin Sees His Late Dad, As a Wax Figure— Remembering Steve Irwin & Coping With Grief
HGTV's 'Love It or List It' Star Hilary Farr, 71, Enjoys SoulmatesPuff & Suki- Her Pet Therapy After Beating Breast Cancer
Jeff Bridges Shares Early Memories of Kris Kristofferson, Says They Got a 'Kick Out Of' Looking Alike: 'It Gave Me the Feeling We Were Brothers'
Madonna Loses Stepmom Joan to Cancer at 81, Admitted She Was ‘Hard on Her’ When She Married Her Father: I was 8, ‘She Was Trying’
Hope. Science.
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