How Acupuncture Can Help During Ovarian Cancer Treatment
- Inserting needles at certain pressure points in the abdomen, the wrists, and around the knees has been shown to help to alleviate nausea, constipation, and diarrhea
- Other pressure points, some located on the top of the head, can help to alleviate the fatigue and insomnia that can sometimes result from ovarian cancer treatment
Dr. Mari Galle, a licensed acupuncturist with Cancer Rehab & Integrative Medicine in Austin, Texas says that acupuncture, when administered at certain pressure points during chemotherapy, can help decrease inflammation in the gut and calm the stomach down.
Read MoreAdditionally, Dr. Galle says that acupuncture can be really helpful with alleviating fatigue during and after ovarian cancer treatment. Acupuncture pressure points that help with the fatigue are located at the top of the head as well as on the arms and legs. On the flip side, it can also help with insomnia; many patients undergoing treatment, she says, may have trouble falling asleep.
“So acupuncture does a really good job of balancing the body and the mind so they’re able to actually sleep throughout the night,” she says.
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