We are sending love today to people with loss.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, some families who have lost loved ones aren’t even able to mourn together.
Read More“I just feel absolutely gutted that our family can't be together to hold one another during this crippling time,” Haynes wrote.
Losing A Loved One From Cancer
Supportive communities are critical for cancer patients, but if a patient passes away away, it can obviously take a very serious toll on family members’ mental health.
Camila Legaspi, who lost her mother to breast cancer, talked to SurvivorNet about the steps she took to cope with losing her mother to cancer specifically therapy.
“The reality is when you lose someone, it's really, really, really hard. And it's totally OK to talk to someone, and I'm so happy that I talked to my therapist,” Legaspi said.
Social Distancing During Covid-19
The ongoing outbreak is proving to have a huge impact on family members. In order to keep staff and patients safe and healthy during the pandemic, some hospitals have suspended family visitation, making it difficult for family members to be with loved ones during difficult treatments.
Seeing as Covid-19 is a respiratory virus, people living with cancer are especially vulnerable. However, with social distancing and family visitations being suspended, many patients are left to deal with treatment alone. The SurvivorNet community asked Dr. Jeffrey Weber, Deputy Director of The Perlmutter Cancer Center, how family members will be able to advocate for loved ones during this uncertain time.
"I don't think they're going to be able to," Dr. Weber admits. "I don't think that'll happen. If a doctor has to intubate without the family present to inform them that's incredibly tough."
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