A record number of us are living after being diagnosed with cancer. In the old days that would have been a screaming front page headline and the lead of the evening news. No matter, we’ll take the good news.
In 1991, there were about 251 deaths from cancer for every 100,000 people in the United Statesbut as of 2016, that rate declined 27%, with 156 cancer deaths for every 100,000 people. The number is still too high, but it’s a very hopeful trend.
Read MoreCancer Death Rates
From 1991 to 2016, much changed when it came to the chances of surviving a cancer diagnosis.
The American Cancer Society
The decline in the rate of death from cancer over those 25 years.
The authors of the paper surmise that this is due largely to certain lower-income populations having higher incidences of preventable cancers, and suggest that this areas make for “lowâ€hanging fruit for locally focused cancer control efforts, including increased access to basic health care and interventions for smoking cessation, healthy living, and cancer screening programs.”
What does this mean? Prevention efforts and access to affordable and effective treatment for preventable and treatable cancers should be available to people living in all parts of the country, not just the wealthy ones.
As an overall picture, treatment of cancers has seen exciting advancements in recent years, such as immunotherapy. “In the last several years, there’s been an explosion of information that enables us to help larger numbers of patients by getting their body’s own immune system to fight this disease,” Dr. Steven Rosenberg of the National Cancer Institute told SurvivorNet in a previous interview. “There have been some startling advances even in the last few years that have been the result of the genomic revolution, our ability to detect and sequenced the human genome.” Immunotherapy is most often used alongside targeted treatments like chemotherapy and/or radiation. This has been shown to be effective for a wide variety of cancers, including breast, colon, prostate, melanoma, and more.
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