Lung Cancer Clinical Trial
Safety Study of Nivolumab to Treat Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
A study to evaluate the safety of Nivolumab in participants with advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Non small cell lung cancer (Squamous or non-squamous)
At least one prior anti-cancer therapy that did not work
ECOG Performance Scale 0-1
Exclusion Criteria:
Cancer that has spread to the brain or leptomeninges unless there is no evidence of progression by MRI for 8 weeks after treatment is complete and within 28 days before first dose of study drug
Active, known or suspected autoimmune disease or infection
Prior immuno-oncology therapy
Corticosteroids within 2 weeks of study drug administration
Other protocol defined inclusion/exclusion criteria could apply
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There are 17 Locations for this study
Birmingham Alabama, 35205, United States
Los Angeles California, 90017, United States
Billings Montana, 59102, United States
Johnson City New York, 13790, United States
Sayre Pennsylvania, 18840, United States
Kingston Ontario, K7L 2, Canada
Oshawa Ontario, L1G 2, Canada
Toronto Ontario, M5G 2, Canada
Nagoya Aichi, 46486, Japan
Osaka-shi Osaka, 54185, Japan
Koto-ku Tokyo, 13585, Japan
Tokyo , 10400, Japan
Craiova , 20034, Romania
Sector 2 , 02232, Romania
Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape, 6045, South Africa
Parktown, Johannesburg Gauteng, 2193, South Africa
George Western CAPE, 6530, South Africa
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