Prostate Cancer Clinical Trial
Photoacoustic Imaging (PAI) of the Prostate: A Clinical Feasibility Study
The purpose of our study is to image human prostate tissue using a transrectal photoacoustic imaging probe.
Full Description
The primary objective of this pilot study is to assess PAI-performance in a clinical setting to understand limitations of our current PAI instrumentation and to help improve the next-generation design.
To do preliminary evaluations of oxygen saturation in lesions based on PAI-measurements in order to distinguish malignant from benign prostatic tissue as a basis for future studies.
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Consent signed
Male >= 18 and <= 80 years of age
Patients must have an elevated PSA And/ Or Abnormal digital rectal exam Or Other indication for prostate biopsy Or Patients with biopsy proven prostate cancer who are scheduled for prostatectomy.
Exclusion Criteria:
History of prostatectomy or other surgical history that would preclude transrectal imaging (i.e. abdominal perineal resection), anal stenosis/stricture disease
Men with anatomic abnormalities or previous surgical history that make transrectal imaging impossible (for example, men with previous abdominal-perineal bowel resections or anal atresia/stenosis)
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There is 1 Location for this study
Stanford California, 94305, United States
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