Melanoma: Treatment
Every melanoma stage has certain treatments that doctors will typically turn to. We've broken those treatments down with some top dermatologists.
Treatment: Early-Stage Melanoma Treatment
If your melanoma has progressed to a stage two or three, the cancer will likely need to be removed surgically in the hospital.
Treatment: Treatment for Different Melanoma Stages
If your melanoma has progressed to a stage two or three, the cancer will likely need to be removed surgically in the hospital.
Treatment: Targeted Therapy
Treatment: Treatment After Surgery
Stage Zero Melanoma
Melanoma in situ is a stage zero type of melanoma that's commonly found on the top layer of sun-damaged skin. It's highly treatable with surgical removal and rarely invades beyond the skin or spreads to other organs. There is also a cream available for melanoma in situ called Imiquimod (Aldara). It can be used before... Read More
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